Time is the Ally of Deceit – Book and 5 DVD Study Series


Join Richard Rives, author of the book Too Long in the Sun, for an overview of historical events that led to the abandonment of Biblical precepts and their replacement by Traditional Christianity.



Today Contemporary Christianity has not only allowed truth to fall, but it has thrown truth in the street as a gesture of religious tolerance and compromise. It has given the adversaries of scripture exactly what they need to substantiate their claims that what most present as Christianity is nothing more than redefined pagan mythology. Educated theologians know that; yet they continue to present a compromised gospel filled with pagan tradition that never had anything to do with Christ. There has never been a more important time in the history of mankind for those called out as servants of our Creator to confront the philosophy and vain deceit that would lead people away from our Savior. To order, call 877-992-8865

Dear Friends and Fellow Servants,

We are living in extraordinary times. Today, just as in the days of Isaiah, truth is fallen in the street; and judgment is turned away backward. On every front the truths of scripture are arrogantly disparaged while the wisdom of man is exalted and received as authoritative, and without question.

It has come to my attention that public television recently aired a program entitled “The Bible’s Buried Secrets” in which Moses and the Exodus are portrayed as mythological accounts. According to the “experts” that were interviewed, God and “his wife” were actually renamed pagan deities – a Canaanite god and goddess. With the assistance of our own tax dollars, that is what is being presented.

Internet sites and online video presentations deny the reality of Jesus, Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel. They provide carefully selected excerpts from mythological accounts that cause many steadfast believers to question their long held faith in Christ.

How can this have happened? How can it be that among the American population, 53% believe that good works can earn a place in Heaven? – That among those calling themselves Evangelical Protestant Christians 68% believe that people of other faiths have their own way to attain salvation? There is one very good answer: Time is the Ally of Deceit. Over time, after having been bombarded with lies, people have been persuaded that Biblical precepts are subject to the interpretation of scholars.

Today, it is amazing what is being presented as Christianity. The truth has been thrown in the streets as a gesture of religious tolerance and compromise. Because of that, the adversaries of scripture have been given exactly what they need to substantiate their claims that what most present as Christianity is nothing more than redefined pagan mythology. Educated theologians are fully aware of that fact; yet they continue to present a compromised gospel filled with pagan tradition that never had anything to do with Christ. There has never been a more important time in the history of mankind for those called out as servants of our Creator to confront the philosophy and vain deceit that would lead people away from our Savior. We must not stand idly by and allow this to happen on our watch.

In an effort to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints, I have just completed a new book and a 5 DVD Study Series entitled “Time is the Ally of Deceit.” The DVDs follow the chapters of the book.

53 Minutes

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Part 1 is entitled Flee to the Mountains. While in the past, I have produced other videos by the same title, this is an all new presentation. First century believers, based on the instruction of Yeshua, Jesus, left Jerusalem prior to its destruction in A.D. 70. Just as the saints described in Revelation 14:12, they had the faith of Jesus and kept the commandments of God.
In The Beginning – Hath God Said? – Lord, Lord – Accumulative Error – A Blessing & A Curse – Rome Rules the World
Flee To The Mountains – The Nazoraeans & Pella – The Destruction of Jerusalem – The Patience of the Saints

70 Minutes

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Part 2 is entitled Baal comes to Rome. During the 2nd and 3rd centuries, aspects of pagan sun worship were combined with the true faith of first century believers, resulting in a Christianity unlike anything that those who walked and talked with Christ would have recognized. In the Old Testament, Elijah had confronted the priests of Baal. What most people are unaware of is that the worship of Baal did not end. During the formative years of Traditional Christianity, the worship of the very same pagan god was brought from Syria back to Rome, and the empire actually had a priest of Baal as emperor.
Hadrian & The Worship of Serapis – Bar Kokhba & Rabbinical Judaism – Jerusalem Becomes Aelia Capitolina
Elagabalus-A Priest of Baal – Christian Persecution – Zenobia and The Palmyrene Empire – Aurelian’s Temple of the Sun
Weeping for Tammuz – The Calendar & December 25th – Another Jesus, Another Gospel

53 Minutes

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Part 3 documents the worship of The Persian Sun God Mithra. Historians report that during the 4th century the worship of the Persian Sun god Mithra mysteriously vanished as Christianity was established as the religion of the Roman Empire. Was it Mithraism that vanished, or true Christianity?
Biblical References to Mithra – Jerusalem in the Medo-Persian World – Daniel’s Vision – Alexander the Great
Antiochus Epiphanes and Greek Culture – The Delphic Oracle – Punic and Mithradatic Wars – The Pirates of Cilicia
Ostia-The Seaport of Rome – Sol Invictus – Another Jesus

53 Minutes

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Part 4 is in reference to The Conversion of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. While his coins state that he was committed to the sun god Sol Invictus, Constantine was also recognized as the “First Christian Emperor.” Presiding over the Nicaean council, the date for the observance of Passover was changed from the biblically prescribed timing.
The Edict of Toleration – Constantine’s Dreams and Visions – The Battle of Milvan Bridge – Polytheism, Monolatry
Passover and the Council of Nicaea – The Pagan Fertility Goddess – Easter in the King James Bible – The Error of Syncretism

53 Minutes

Click above for a video preview

Part 5 is entitled Remember The Sabbath Day. Many theologians would tell us that Sunday has replaced the 7th day Sabbath; that in fact, the law has been “nailed to the cross.” Yeshua, Jesus said that until heaven and earth pass away not even the slightest aspect of the law will change
Remember the Sabbath Day – A Memorial of the Creation – Before Abraham Was, I Am – Constantine’s Sunday Edict
The Sabbath Sunday Shuffle – When In Rome – Calendar Changes – Misapplied Scripture – Sitting in Moses’ Seat
“Just for the Jews” – Made for Man – Philosophy and Vain Deceit

The book and DVDs contain many of the photos that I have taken over the past twenty years, as well as on location video segments. A list of questions is found at the conclusion of each chapter, making this material perfect for personal or group study.

Basically I have done everything I know to do in order to provide irrefutable evidence that documents the influence of pagan religions upon what is now recognized as Christianity. For those seeking truth, this Study Series provides solid, verifiable facts, without exaggeration. For those who are familiar with the religious syncretism that has taken place, I believe that you will find this Series to be an excellent source of extremely interesting historical facts that can be used in sharing the truth with others, in a non-offensive manner. The DVDs contain beautiful scenery and what most would consider non-Biblical history, that will interest even those who would normally avoid such a study.

As I have stated, I have done everything that I know to do. Even so, I need your help. To be of value, the information must reach those who need to know. I am not a preacher, a ministry, or a nonprofit organization. I am just a person. My family and I write the books, produce and edit the video presentations, take the orders and ship the material. The sale of our materials is the only way we have to keep this important work going. We consider it a joy and a great privilege to work for our Creator, and we want to do more in the future. To that end, I would like to ask you to consider the purchase of our new resources. The book and DVDs are available on an individual basis or as a set. For those of you involved with study groups, or perhaps interested in starting your own study group, please share this information with others who may be interested in obtaining the Study Series for their own reference.

For the past two thousand years our “adversary the devil” has been doing everything possible to pervert the truths regarding our Savior and His commandments. As King Solomon once wrote, There is nothing new under the sun. Just as in the Garden of Eden, our “adversary” questions: Hath God said? Truly, Time is the Ally of Deceit; and time is truly of the essence. For centuries believers have thought that they were living in the last days; and they were right. It was their last days, their time in history to tell others about the Messiah of Israel. Today, no matter how we might view the timing of prophetic events, now is the time in which we have been given the opportunity to share the truth with others. While there are countless numbers preaching another gospel, there are only a “few” of us who will stand for the truth.

Richard Rives
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.”

P.S. Please consider multiple copies to share with others. “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few.” …Luke 10:2

TO ORDER CALL: (877)992-8865

Author: Richard Rives

Speaker, WorldNetDaily commentator, and author of the books "Too Long in the Sun" and "Time is the Ally of Deceit" www.toolong.com

One thought on “Time is the Ally of Deceit – Book and 5 DVD Study Series”

  1. Today I watched your short video that I found on WND about Whose birthday is it. It was so refreshing to hear a pastor state the truth about Christmas. We stopped celebrating that day when I discovered the truth. I asked our Father to forgive me for all of the years that I participated in that celebration, but I had no idea that it was the birthday of Tamuz the son of the Sun god. I have to admit that this coming season makes me sick and when I found out that the hierarchy knows the truth and will not face up to it but continues to lead Elohim’s people astray it saddens my heart. I have talked to a pastor about it and his answer was it’s ok God (Yahweh) will understand. Thank yu from deep within my heart for your courage to speak the truth. jk

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